Friday, February 6, 2009


Sorry it's been soooooo long catching up. I'll give you the low down:
- we're really into grapefruit right now. Texas is where they come from up here.
- I'm getting an application to Penland together. Maybe I'll be able to attend as a studio assistant!!
- The ClayFiber show was a huge success. We had 300 people at the opening. It was like being back in Macon for one of our shows; running to the back to grab more chips and hummus, opening wine bottles, taking out the trash after.
- I start teaching a kids wheel-throwing class next week - yay!
- I also start teaching an adult tea pot class - yay!
- Jamie is having fun in school.
- we found a weird new show to watch in the same brand as Brak, ATHF and Frisky Dingo. It's called Metalocalypse and it is really really violent and nihilistic plus silly and stoopid. (Mother and Daddy, if you're reading this, don't watch this show. It's not for you.) It's about a death metal band and has a lot of real death metal in the show. Steve, check it out.

I avoided talking about the snow for once! (spring is almost here; the birds are chirping, the squirrels have de-hibernated!)

I'm outie-5000


Anonymous said...

They're called grape fruit because they grow in bunches.

Good luck and congratulations.

I have again savaged people with "My Best Friend is a Vampire" and "Angel Sanctuary" last movie night.

But it turns out K has never seen "Unbreakable" so we may watch that next time.

We've had a bunch of freezing mornings here, but General Beauregard saw his shadow so we are past that, supposedly.

Anonymous said...

When you were here in December at Joe's Ravioli I mentions a band I liked in college, Renaissance. Then I was over at an anime site and this comes up:


Small world.

__________ said...

Yes, Ed has definitely savaged us with those choices. You should also be savaged.

If I'm remembering correctly, we've seen an episode or two of Metalocalypse somewhere and thought it was A-MAZING. (not simply amazing. The "a" has to be separated)