Monday, February 16, 2009

Catching Up with Jamie

School is a lot more fun this semester than last semester. Last semester I was teaching a comp class that was a little bereft of interest for me. It was a straightforward process-oriented comp class, which I don't particularly dig (I prefer a more reading oriented, politicized approach), and I didn't like the course materials. This semester is waaay cooler, and I feel like I'm back in the saddle again. I like my students a lot.

As a student, I'm doing more theory stuff, which is why I'm here in the first place. I'm trying to figure out what my niche in the department will be. I want to do something related to rhetoric of science (which can end up being philosophy of science or sociology of science sometimes which is part of why its appealing..."rhetoric" should be a big box if you ask me), but I want to make what I do real cultural studiesy. Rhetoric of science people talk about how science is in fact, rhetorical activity...argument, judgment, consensus, deliberation, NOT "proof." We're not saying science does not have some kind of real relationship to the world, but we ARE saying that it is a cultural production that differs from other cultural productions in degree, not in kind. I pretty much buy into some of the more extreme social constructivist arguments, but with a liberal dose of pragmatism.

I'm kinda interested in figuring out how to do research about how scientific tropes bleed out into the real world and develop their own life. Think about the sort of "magical thinking" way that we discuss genetics or psychology or nutrition. If I had MY druthers, I'd be doing "weirdo studies" and talking about stuff like Evangelical Christian sex websites. (I wrote a paper about that last semester that I plan to try to revise and publish at some point. I barely have time for meals right now though.) I'm interested in faux science stuff like intelligent design, but that's been done to death, so I'm not devoting as little thought to that as possible. It's probably better for my health anyway. We've got a job candidate who is writing a dissertation (I think) about creation science museums. I hope we hire her so she can tell me about it.

Speaking of fundamentalism, I wanna see this movie:

People should read more selectively.

Let's see, what else...

Politics...I'm amused by the Republican whining about "pork" in the stimulus package. IT'S ALL PORK. That's the PURPOSE of a Kensyan economic stimulus. TO PUT MONEY INTO THE ECONOMY. There's plenty of things one could object to about the stimulus package, but make an argument that at least demonstrates a passing understanding of the purpose of the damn thing. I mean really. And no, nothing in there is going to permanently fix the economy. But THAT'S ALSO THE POINT. It's a temporary boost to stop the downward spiral. If it WERE filled with permanent economic changes it would be the socialist plan that Republicans say it is.

They've drifted waaay off into la la land lately. It's actually fun and amusing to watch, instead of just scary. At least they aren't out torturing child solders anymore. (I'm looking at you Rumsfeild.) Yes we can.

It's odd that our conservative party is so disgusting and incompetent that even someone who has a lot of respect for several different branches of conservatism (I read Andrew Sullivan religiously) hasn't agreed with anything they've done during his whole life. Of course, I'm deeply invested in Marxism too, so whatever. Libertarian Marxists of the world, UNITE! I need more coffee.

Seriously though, the more I read Marx, the more staggering he is. He was waaay ahead of the curve. Don't confuse him for his silly followers. I mean, you shouldn't blame Jesus for Pat Robertson. I got to re-read a little Nietzsche recently also, and he's also still awesome. Those two guys are among my favs, and I haven't had a chance to read them in a while.

While I'm typing, I'm listening to Satyricon's new record. Trv Norwegian Black Metal forever! Actually, Satyricon's not particularly trv, but they are awesome. God I love Scandinavians and their foolishness.(You see, them silly Scandinavian kids insist on spelling "true" as "trv" because it looks archaic and more "pure." If an act is really underground and uncompromising, they get to be described as "cvlt." You think I'm making this up don't you? Can anybody make up stuff about black metal to make it sound sillier than it is? But damn it's fun to listen to.) I'm listening to this basically because Metalocalypse got me craving metal. I'm not saying Americans aren't as good at metal as Europeans....well, yes. Yes I am saying that.

That's enough. There's where my brains are at today.


Anonymous said...

We were at Shoki this evening and one of their horrible televisions was turned to CNN. One of the headlines on the ticker read something to the effect of "Orszag: Pork-laden bills will not happen" ORLY? Pretty much every bill is stuffed to the brim with pork. A Stimulus bill is designed to STIMULATE the economy, right? How are you going to do that without earmarks?

Not that I recommend reading for news, but if you go to the politics tab on, there's a Bold Header that says Estimated stimulus benefits and underneath it says, "How much infrastructure spending will your state get and how many jobs are coming?" yet everyone is bitching about earmarks? We're all waiting for our bacon. Nomnomnom!

Speaking of the journalistic lack of integrity at, have you ever read an article there and then found it at a different news source, like It's crazy how different the same story can be!

Anyway, I'm excited that you guys are coming down next weekend. We'll get the basement good and clean for you...

Anonymous said...

Something that made me think of Jamie (SFW):

Regarding politics I am well along the road to grumpy old man misanthropy. Everyone seems far more interested in ideology and sides than reality.

They moved us to a new building at work. Now if the air conditioning unit would get here…

The Davi said...

Ed, you are a hilarious person. That metal blog was right on. Jamie actually does have a gray slayer shirt. Only his has holes in the armpits.