Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I'm sitting at jiffy lube prepping the car for the 17 hour drive down to Georgia. Spring break is next week. We'll be leaving Ames on Friday. We can't stop to see the Davises in Kentucky for this trip - we want to be back in Ames on Thursday so that Jamie can prepare for school the next week. (We'll plan a special trip to see you guys when summer vacation starts). Summer is going to he hellish. The shop is moving, I have two workshops that I will hopefully be able to attend on the east coast, plus Jamie is going to want to visit Macon a couple of times, probably. I'll be teaching a couple of classes. It will be busy, but busy is much better than slow.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone! Hello, Steve and Ashli's basement! Hopefully we'll get up to see Gordon and Helen. I have Chirstmas presents for everyone.

We had spring for about three days - it was up in the 60's, I think! Sunshiny, pleasent. Now it is 20 degrees (it was 15 when I left for work this morning).

And my car is ready, so Yay!! See you guys soon!


Anonymous said...

The bad news is there is still no sign of the 2nd season of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.

The good news is that there are a bunch of short omake parodies of the show from the creators. I have them. But it's gonna cost ya...

Grey Glamer said...

Looking forward to seeing y'all! Be safe and be well!