Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Even more snow. Do you see a theme developing?

Today we had huge snowflakes. We got 6 more inches total. I bought some tall boots with my birthday money. I can kick through huge drifts of snow with them. This weather is still really fun to us unless we have to walk long distances. At noon today the temperature was 0 degrees. During the night it's been as low as minus 4. This weather, I've learned, is strait from the arctic. I believe it.

Freezing stories: Yesterday the boiler went out in the building at work and everyone who didn't have a space heater went home; also a window in a bathroom fell open overnight and the toilet water froze. While Jamie carried a cup of water from his office to the house, about a 20 minute walk, little ice crystals had started forming. There is a constant freeze, thaw, freeze, thaw on the windshield while I run errands in the car - the snow melts on the warm windshield while I am driving with the defrost on but freezes into hard, bonded ice bits when I leave. I'm amazed at how quickly the conversion happens.

Jamie and I are getting excited about our Christmas trip next week. He is finishing a paper tonight and when that is done he will be done with school. I'm trying to finish up Christmas presents and get them in the mail. For each of you who are reading this, See you soon!!!


Anonymous said...

Testing to see if commenting works for me now.

Grey Glamer said...

Snow, snow, and more snow... Yes, definitely a pattern developing... ;-) Glad we could see y'all during your trip down here, and Blessed Be!

Anonymous said...

Since Firefox and blogger seem to have kissed and made up, I'm going to plug Walter Jon Williams' blog here.

He is an SF writer I like a lot, but more importantly, he share's Jamie's interest in trashy movies.

Angel Station: http://walterjonwilliams.blogspot.com/

Anonymous said...


share's -> shares


The Davi said...

Thanks for the reference, Ed. I'll send it to jamie.