Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pina Colada, not just a cliche.

Heather: Well, the pool party was a success. We made dinner out of the pantry (less to pack), swam and had a good time with friends we won't see for a while. Jamie cooked a pork roast, and I was the salad maiden. I made pasta, cucumber and spinach salads. Ashli brought fresh strawberries and pound cake for desert. I even got some packing done this morning before Jamie woke up. It was a good day.

Jamie: Spent the afternoon drinking pina coladas (we've nailed the recipe.....add cinnamon and mango juice and be liberal with the coconut rum; *heather: the virgin ones we made for Ed and Ben were delicious too*) and playing in the pool with all our Macon friends. It was a nice way to see them all together one last time before we leave. We'll see most of them again during the week, but probably not all at the same time. Now I've got dry eyes (from the pool) and I'm nicely tired. After supper everybody was kinda staring around and wobbling like tired little kitties. Wrestling in a pool while drinking rum for two hours and then eating a pound or pork roast will wear you out. Great party.

It's time to call it a night. We've got everything back in order at Terrell's, and we're gonna go sleep a out house tonight to spend some time with the cats, who will no doubt appreciate it. I can't wait to get settled into our new place. Our vacation summer is going splendidly, but it'll be nice to settle back into a routine. Tomorrow we've gotta do a little more moving business and a bit more packing. I really think we'll be almost ready to go by tomorrow night, which means we can relax a bit. It's funny how physically demanding moving is. I have been working out a lot this summer, but I've still been sore all week.....

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